photos of Moira

Meeting the Justice Minister

Bea Jones and Colin Field, Chair and Deputy Chair of The Moira Fund met with the Justice Minister...

of the Scottish Parliament on 19th April to express and discuss concerns about services for homicide victims in Scotland. They were very pleased indeed with the outcomes. The minister listened intently to every word spoken and made clear he was open to our ideas and those of others and that he too wanted improvement, wanted to close any gaps present in the current system so that more meaningful help was delivered to those in desperate straits. Many notes were made by his team and further meetings will be called with representatives of important relevant agencies, his team and The Moira Fund.
We were very grateful to the Minister for his most attentive reception and positive reaction. It was a pleasure to meet with him.

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The Moira Fund Golf Day

Jul 2024
We are delighted to announce that thanks to John, Barry and Dianne, this year's annual Golf Day at Dullater Golf Course will take place on 31st August.